It was last Friday when my coach Sonnie Trotter and the rest of my team were going over mental preparation before the Tour De Bloc at the Calgary Climbing Center. Sonnie mentioned the infamous quote, Whether you think you can, or think you can't you're right - Henry Ford. This made me realize how much control my mind has over my body and that if I was to do well at the competition, my mental state would have to be in tip top shape.
After already finishing a respectable second place in female open at the first bouldering competition in Edmonton, I was feeling confident about my climbing abilities but I could not stop thinking about how every year the boudering competitions in Calgary always go terribly wrong for me. Every year before the comp I would try to figure out why I had done so badly the year before. Was it the routes? Was I not prepared? Did I just fail miserably? These were the thoughts going through my mind until this year. This year I realized maybe I was doing so badly because I was psyching myself out by believing I can't climb well at specific competitions because I never had before.
Well this year that changed. I went into the competiton thinking positively and I just climbed and had fun. I ended up placing third in open female and first in youth A (16-17) female and I think it was all because of my mental state. So now going into the height of competition season, I am going to think positively and just go out and crush some holds. Next competition is January 11th at my local gym in Canmore!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it is always your choice - Wayne Dyer
Happy Climbing,
Becca :)
P.S Thanks so much to the Calgary Climbing Center for putting on such a great comp and thanks to Flashed my awesome sponsor! Make sure you guys check out their new shirts on their website!
Rocking my new Flashed tank on Finals Route #2. Photo Creds: Ben Haley |
Eva Thompson always :) Photo Creds: Ben Haley |